Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Before the Weather Outside gets Frightful

Well it is that time of year in NEPA.  It is checklist time and the usual winterizing tasks along with any spur of the moment repairs.  This year the spur of the moment repairs involved Hurricane Sandy.  An added expense and task I did not anticipate.
For every season, there is a checklist at my house.  The winter checklist involves storing the summer garden equipment, checking the house for leaks, trimming the shrubbery along with overgrown tree branches and servicing the furnace.  Some tasks are completed year after year like having the furnace serviced.  The first item on the checklist is always inspecting the house by doing a walk around.  This process seems to add to the list.
Most of the winter tasks my husband and I do on our own or we enlist family or friends for additional help.  Draining the gas from the power equipment like the riding mower or the power washer and refilling with an antifreeze winter fluid is a must for us northerners.  My husband is in charge of that task.  I am the leak detective.  I look at the windows, where the basement meets the wood framing and caulk where it has separated.  I check the drains and downspouts.  Truthfully, my husband cleans the drains and gutters; it is gross.  The trimming of bushes, trees and shrubs is my job because I love working in the garden. 
Some tasks we hire professionals.  Wayne Sherman cleans the furnace every year in the later part of the summer.  He and his sons take excellent care of our heating system.  This year we hired a tree service to cut several of our trees that were unhealthy.  It was sad yet necessary to cut the five trees that surrounded the house. 
This year Hurricane Sandy added barn and shed roof repair to our list.  After assessing the damage, which was, thankfully minimal we set out to the local hardware store to purchase the requisite equipment.  Armed with tar, roof sealant, a pole brush and a pole extended my husband and I tackled the damage.  The barn roof had to be re-papered and shingled which we have on hand and then tarred.   I do the heights in our family; I love heights.  Once I finished the barn roof, my husband tackled the three room rather large shed.  While the repairs were not on the list, it is satisfying to have it completed. 
We began the projects on Friday night making the to-do list and checking the corresponding supplies.  After which we had a shopping list to hit the hardware store first thing Saturday morning.  After the store, it was “full on” weekend of work.  Sunday at 4:45 p.m., we finished our list.  With a job well done the aches and pains was a welcome byproduct meaning we are finished for another year. 
Next on my list - Christmas decorating!

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