Thursday, February 14, 2013

Where Would You Like to be Stranded?

After watching the cruise ship over the course of several days, being stranded has crossed my mind.  Would I enjoy being on THAT cruise ship?  How would I behave?  Could I endure no customary comforts like food?  A cruise ship is supposed to be romantic.  I can imagine that many took this cruise to celebrate Valentine’s Day.   Is a cruise the the best way to celebrate? 

Today is Valentine’s Day.  Whether you have been together for many years or just a short time getting to know your partner is one of the best ways to show you care.  When couples are together for many years, the questions and talks that you once had tend to diminish.  When was the last time you asked your partner, “If you had a choice to be stranded somewhere, would you choose a museum, a library or a zoo?” 
People change over the course of a lifetime.  Our likes and dislikes change as well.  The pizza that you loved when you were 20 years old may no longer be your favorite food; you may love avocado spring rolls at 40 and oatmeal with raisins, almonds and chocolate chips at 50.  To know a person over many years one must become an investigative reporter.  

A simple question at dinner or while traveling in the car can start a conversation that could last for hours.  I was very shy as a child; I rarely spoke.  Whenever I traveled with my uncle, he would not turn on the radio so that I would eventually answer his questions with more than a one-word response.  I learned to do the same thing with my quiet children.  With my husband, turning off the radio while traveling in the car signals conversation time.  With no distractions other than driving of course, we can concentrate on the conversation at hand.

While I do not know the secret to a lasting relationship, I do know that the people we love want us to pay attention to them.  They do not want to sit and watch us with our ipod, book, tv, newspaper, smart phone or any other distracting object.  They want our undivided attention, this includes our partner, children, and friends even our pets.  The answer to “How are you” or “What did you do today” becomes meaningful when we look at the person, hear the response and reply to the response.   It becomes a conversation where ideas and thoughts are still interesting to each other.

“If you had a choice to be stranded somewhere, would you choose a museum, a library or a zoo?”  On Valentine’s Day and every day, I hope the answer will be, “Anywhere as long as it is with you.”   

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