Tuesday, May 21, 2013

“Every election is determined by the people who show up.” Larry J. Sabato

The May non-presidential primary is not well attended.  I even started to drive to work and had to turn around to go to the polling place.  I was number 8.  I know that is a low number even in my small township/voting district.

Do you remember your first voting experience?  My first vote was the May presidential primary when I turned eighteen.  I was so excited, in college, discussing politics brought the election to life.  The discussions were better than anything I watched on TV, though I was riveted to the Watergate proceedings.  My candidate did not win.
I have voted in many elections since, missing only one.  I was so worried that my voter’s registration card would lapse since I did not vote in a primary.  I am very pleased that so many spear headed the movement to grant 18 year olds the right to vote.  I could not imagine attending college, working or fighting for your country without a say in the governmental process. For that reason alone, I try to always cast my vote.

How do you feel about write in votes? I did write in my daughters’ names in one presidential election.  My candidate already conceded the election before I had a chance to vote; my vote did not count for that presidential election.  I wrote in a candidate’s name in today’s election.  In my small area it can make a difference.  I hope the write in vote option remains.
If you get a chance, vote.  It is also a beautiful day to say hello to your neighbors.  You won’t have to wait in line.  In my district you can even get a piece of candy.  Vote, it does our country good.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Rose By Any Other Name Still Has Thorn

Maybe not a rose or a thorn but poison ivy, oak or sumac by any other name is still poison.  I get a rash from poison ivy, oak and or sumac every year.  My first experience with poison plants came from my dog.  She would get the oils on her fur and then lay her head on my arm.  Lo and behold, I would get whatever poison she rubbed.  You cannot tell what plant the poison came from by looking at the rash; one must look at the plant.

My raspberry patch next to my barn has all three poison plants.  That area also has a beautiful vintage rose bush.  This plot of land is very bountiful.  Anything I plant in that ground grows.  Obviously, I do not want poison plants yet they also grow in this soil. 

I have taken a product called Oral Ivy only to get ill from the preventative.  I have used IvyBlock which did not work.  I have not used Zanfel due to the price; remember I am the cheap girl.  I was using calamine lotion, y’all remember the pink stuff.  The clear Caladryl does not work as well.  I also have tried swimming in chlorine, did not work. I have used hand sanitizer; it works with a drawback of having to reapply every thirty minutes to an hour. 

Accidently, I came across the best product.  I was looking for a wash to remove the oils of the plant, the urushiol oil.  I did not want to spend a fortune yet I knew I had to “cough up” more money than calamine lotion.  I spied Tecnu, at a price I was willing to pay.  At the time I purchased the product, it came with a wash and a lotion, a two for one price! 
My Favorite Product
April of 2013, I am trimming the raspberry patch for a bumper crop to make jam and since I know about the poison plants I covered myself in clothing from head to toe.  Twenty four hours later, I notice I want to scratch my shin, I need to clarify: I! WANT! TO! SCRATCH! MY! SHIN!  In my world, from spring until winter that means only one thing – poison from the urushiol oil. 
I began my treatments, Lanacane, my husband’s suggestions, Clorox, a co-worker's suggestions, swim in chlorine, a facebook comment, kerosene, in my father’s memory, a cure all for everything even a cough.  I rejected the kerosene.  I suffered about two weeks before I succumbed and visited the health clinic in Clarks Summit.  The practioner said I was not as bad as I had been in the past and did not order steroids.  She suggested calamine lotion, the pink stuff not the clear and asked if I have ever tried Zanfel.  I had not tried Zanfel but I had tried Tecnu, which I totally forgot about.  She began by telling me that Tecnu was formulated by the military for the soldiers, for this military brat, say no more that sold me.  However, she preferred Zanfel.
I purchased a bottle of Tecnu Friday night.  It is different than my last purchase.  It is a two in one product.  It offers relief from the rash AND a preventative wash.  The best part about the lotion which has a gritty feel is you have to rub the rash for fifteen seconds.  That means you can SCRATCH for 15 seconds – RELIEF!  Today is Tuesday and I have applied the lotion a total of six times and I would say it is almost gone.
Friday Night Pre-Tecnu

3 Dyas Later - Post Tecnu lotion.
My advice for poison rashes is TECNU. 
*Please note I did not add pictures of the plants.  If, like me, your dog drags you through the woods in brush, it really does not matter if you can identify the plants.